Get an Arizona Commercial Solar Proposal & See the Difference

Providing Solar for Businesses in Arizona

Accelerated Return on Investment with Proprietary Model

In the vibrant heart of the Southwest, Arizona’s unyielding sun offers a golden opportunity for businesses to innovate and grow sustainably. At the forefront of this solar revolution, Com-Sol has illuminated the path for countless enterprises across the state, seamlessly integrating solar panels into their energy mix. Whether considering solar panels for your home or evaluating the cost-effectiveness of a solar panel installation in northern Arizona, our expertise shines. With enticing Arizona solar panel incentives and tax credits, we make residential solar panel installation in Arizona not just viable, but irresistibly advantageous.

Transforming Tax Liability Into Cost Savings

Embarking on an eco-friendly path needn’t come with a hefty price tag. Our pioneering Energy Savings Payment Model (ESP) revolutionizes the way businesses adopt solar energy. It’s a hybrid approach that lets you reap the tax perks and bolster your property’s value, while facilitating a smooth and economical shift to solar. As your solar system activates, you’ll start to see immediate financial gains, sidestepping any initial costs and enjoying complimentary maintenance until the system’s expenses are balanced out. It transcends mere ownership of a solar system; it’s a wise economic choice with immediate benefits.

Solar panel installations for commercial businesses in Arizona provide an efficient, cost-effective way to harness the state's abundant sunshine, reducing energy costs and contributing to environmental sustainability.

Solar Panel Installations for Commercial Business in Arizona

Our Industrial Solar Solutions For Industries in The Copper State

Cavco Industries

Com-Sol impeccably executed a comprehensive commercial solar project for Cavco Industries in Arizona, showcasing exceptional expertise in renewable energy solutions. The project, a seamless integration of solar panels across Cavco’s expansive facility, reflects our dedication to excellence and the scale of our services. Through diligent planning and state-of-the-art technology, Com-Sol not only enhanced Cavco’s environmental stewardship but also optimized their energy efficiency, setting a benchmark for solar projects in the commercial sector. The success of this project stands as a shining example of Com-Sol’s capacity to deliver top-tier solar solutions.

Com-Sol specializes in providing expansive, highly efficient solar energy solutions for businesses in Arizona, enhancing their sustainability and reducing energy costs.

Industrial Solar Solutions in Arizona, 85321

Why Choose

Choosing the right solar energy provider is a significant decision for any business. At Com-Sol, we understand the complexities and nuances of commercial solar solutions. Our approach is tailored to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring a smooth transition to sustainable energy. Here’s why Com-Sol stands out as the ideal choice for your solar energy needs:

Unmatched Expertise and Experience

Decades of Industry Leadership

With years of experience in the solar industry, Com-Sol has a deep understanding of the market dynamics and technological advancements.

Qualified Team of Experts

Our team comprises seasoned professionals who specialize in various aspects of solar energy, from engineering to project management.

Customized Solutions for Every Business

Tailored Approach

We recognize that each business has unique energy needs. Our solutions are customized to align with your specific requirements, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency.

Diverse Portfolio of Projects

Our experience spans a wide range of sectors, including manufacturing, retail, and public services, showcasing our capability to handle diverse projects.

State-of-the-Art Technology

Cutting-Edge Solar Panels

We utilize the latest in solar technology, offering panels with high efficiency and durability.

Innovative Energy Storage Solutions

Our energy storage systems ensure uninterrupted power supply, maximizing your energy independence.

Financial Benefits and Incentives

Maximizing ROI

Our financial models are designed to maximize your return on investment, making solar energy a financially viable option.

Access to Incentives

We assist in navigating government incentives and tax benefits, reducing the overall cost of your solar project.

Solar Incentives for Arizona: Renewable Energy Made Easy!

Arizona’s sun-drenched landscape offers more than just natural beauty—it’s a powerhouse for solar energy production. Let’s delve into the lucrative incentives and savings that make investing in solar panels an astute financial move for Arizonans. From generous tax credits to property and equipment exemptions, this section will illuminate the myriad of benefits available to those ready to harness the state’s abundant solar resources. Whether for residential or commercial use, Arizona’s solar incentives are designed to make the transition to clean energy both affordable and rewarding, paving the way for a sustainable and cost-effective future.

Residential Arizona Solar Tax Credit

Overview of the Tax Credit 

Arizona’s Residential Solar Tax Credit is a financial incentive designed to encourage homeowners to adopt solar energy. This credit allows residents to deduct 25% of the cost of a solar panel system from their state taxes, up to a maximum of $1,000, in the year of installation.

Eligibility Criteria 

To qualify, the solar system must be installed on an Arizona residence and be operational by the end of the tax year. The homeowner must also have a tax liability against which the credit can be claimed.

Claiming the Credit 

Homeowners can claim the credit by completing the necessary forms during their state tax filing. They should retain all receipts and certified installer documents as proof of the solar installation.

Impact on Solar Adoption 

This tax credit has significantly reduced the financial barrier to solar energy for many Arizona residents, leading to increased adoption rates. By making solar more accessible, the state is moving towards a more sustainable energy future.

Additional Considerations

It’s important for homeowners to consult with a tax advisor to understand the specific impacts on their taxes. This credit is just one part of Arizona’s broader strategy to incentivize renewable energy investments among its citizens.

Request a Commercial Solar Proposal for Your Business

Federal Solar Tax Credit for Businesses

Overview of the ITC 

The federal solar investment tax credit (ITC) is a significant financial incentive for Arizona homeowners installing solar panels. It offers a 30% deduction of the installation costs against federal taxes.


To be eligible for the business to make use of this incentive the solar system must be:

  • Located in the United States or U.S. territories
  • Use new and limited previously used equipment
  • Not leased to a tax-exempt entity (e.g., a school), though tax exempt entities are eligible to receive the ITC themselves in the form of a direct payment.

Credit Reduction Schedule 

As per the Inflation Reduction Act, the ITC will decrease to 26% in 2033, 22% in 2034, and is set to expire in 2035.

Tax Credit Utilization 

If the tax liability is less than the credit amount, the ITC can be rolled over for up to five years. Homeowners can claim this credit using IRS Form 5695, often with assistance from their solar installer.

Equipment and Property Tax Exemptions

Solar tax exemptions mean that tax exemptions will be provided to businesses and industries by state and local governments to individuals and companies that install solar energy property.

Sales Tax Exemption for Solar Equipment 

In Arizona, solar equipment purchases are incentivized through a sales tax exemption. When you buy solar panels and related equipment, the state’s standard sales tax of 5.6% is waived. This immediate financial saving makes the decision to switch to solar power more economical for Arizona residents.

Property Tax Exemption for Solar Installations 

To further encourage solar adoption, Arizona law stipulates that any increase in property value due to solar panel installations will not result in a higher property tax bill. This means homeowners can improve their property with solar installations without worrying about a corresponding increase in annual property taxes, ensuring that solar investments are financially beneficial both immediately and in the long term.

Local Incentives for Arizonian Industries and Businesses


Arizona offers various local solar incentives through utility companies, allowing residents to make substantial savings when they choose to go solar. Here’s a breakdown of the incentives available:

Mohave Electric Cooperative SunWatts Renewable Energy Incentive Program 

  • Eligibility: Customers of Mohave Electric Cooperative 
  • Estimated Savings: Up to $2,500 for solar photovoltaic installations 
  • Description: A rebate of $0.05 per watt of solar installed, plus $0.75 per kWh of energy saved for solar water heating in the first year 
  • Frequency: One-time for solar PV installations; annual payout for solar water heaters

Trico Electric Cooperative SunWatts Incentive Program 

  • Eligibility: Trico Electric Cooperative customers using solar water heaters 
  • Estimated Savings: $0.40 per kWh of savings with solar water heaters during the first year
  • Description: Rebate program encouraging energy savings through solar water heating
  • Frequency: Annual payout through the first year of solar water heater operation

Sulphur Springs Valley EC-SunWatts Rebate Program 

  • Eligibility: Sulphur Springs Valley EC customers with solar water heaters 
  • Estimated Savings: $0.50 per expected kWh savings in the first year 
  • Description: Rebate program for expected energy savings from solar water heaters 
  • Frequency: Annual payout through the first year of system operation

These local incentives are designed to promote the adoption of solar technology, offering financial benefits to those who invest in solar energy systems.

Making Use of Net-Metering in Arizona

Net billing in Arizona compensates solar system owners for the excess electricity they contribute to the grid, which is a modified version of the traditional net metering system. This adaptation was introduced to balance the interests of solar owners with those of the utility companies and non-solar customers.

Understanding Net Metering 

Net billing differs from net metering in that excess electricity is purchased by utilities at an avoided cost rate rather than the full retail rate. This rate equates to the utility’s wholesale cost of generating electricity, which is significantly lower than the retail rate.

Net metering in Arizona is a customer-oriented system allowing solar system owners to earn credits for excess electricity they generate and feed back into the grid, effectively reducing their utility bills.

Net-metering in Arizona AZ, 85321

Financial Implications of Net Billing 

Credits accrued under net billing are indefinite and are paid out annually once they exceed a set balance, usually between $10 and $25, depending on the utility. Export compensation rates range from 7.81 to 10.45 cents per kWh, depending on the utility company in question​.

Enrollment Process for Net Billing 

To participate in net billing, homeowners should follow these steps:

  1. Apply for interconnection with the utility company after solar system installation.
  2. Sign the net billing agreement detailing the terms.
  3. A solar technician will install a bi-directional meter to track energy usage and supply to the grid. Once operational, the solar system will start earning credits under Arizona’s net billing program.

Advantages of Net Metering

Lowering Electricity Expenses 

Net metering’s key advantage lies in its capacity to substantially decrease, or in some cases, completely eliminate electricity bills. This is possible because the surplus electricity generated by solar panels is credited back to the system owner at the same rate they would pay for power from the grid.

Promoting Energy Efficiency 

By rewarding solar system owners with credits for the surplus energy they contribute to the grid, net metering acts as a strong motivator for more efficient energy usage and increased solar power generation.

Benefiting the Power Grid 

The extra solar power fed into the grid alleviates its overall burden. This not only helps in distributing electricity more evenly but also enhances the grid’s stability and reliability, benefiting the wider community.

Strategic Advantages of Current Rates 

Utility companies may reduce buy-back rates annually, incentivizing early solar panel installation. Homeowners who install solar can lock in the current rate for 10 years, ensuring higher returns on the surplus energy they produce.

The Case for Early Adoption 

The structured decline in buy-back rates over time means that installing solar panels sooner can result in substantial savings. By locking in higher rates now, homeowners benefit from both the energy they consume and the higher rates credited for excess energy sold back to the utility​

The Resource Comparison Proxy (RCP) Mechanism 

The RCP is used to determine the value of excess solar energy produced by residential systems. Since 2017, Arizona’s RCP rates have been defined by a series of criteria that consider the utility’s avoided costs. These rates have been historically lower than the average utility rate, gradually decreasing from 11.6 cents per kWh in 2018 to 7.6 cents per kWh in 2023​

Recent Developments and Policy Changes

As of late 2023, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) is actively reviewing crucial elements of the net billing policy, such as the annual cap on the reduction of export rates and the duration of the rate lock-in period. This has introduced some uncertainty into the future economic landscape of solar energy in Arizona​.

Solar Solutions We Offer at Com-Sol

At Com-Sol, we offer a comprehensive range of solar solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of commercial enterprises. Our offerings are not just about installing solar panels; they encompass a full suite of services to ensure that our clients can harness solar energy effectively and efficiently. Here’s a detailed look at our solar solutions:

Commercial Solar Installations

Customized Design

Tailored to fit the unique requirements of each business, our commercial solar installations are designed to maximize energy output and efficiency.

Technical Specifications

We use high-performance panels with excellent efficiency ratings, ensuring more power generation per square foot.

Energy Savings

Our installations can reduce your energy bills significantly, with potential savings depending on the size and specifications of the installation.

Solar Rooftop Systems

Versatile Installations

Ideal for businesses with limited ground space, our rooftop systems are designed to utilize unused roof areas effectively.

Technical Specifications

These systems feature lightweight, durable panels with high resistance to environmental factors, ensuring long-term reliability.

Energy Savings

Rooftop solar systems can cover a substantial portion of your energy needs, leading to considerable cost reductions over time.

Energy Storage Options

Battery Storage Systems

Our state-of-the-art battery storage solutions allow for energy accumulation during peak sunlight hours for use during off-peak hours or power outages.

Technical Specifications

We offer various battery capacities to suit different energy needs, with systems designed for high cycle life and efficiency.

Increased Energy Independence

With storage options, businesses can rely less on the grid, ensuring a consistent energy supply and further cost savings.

Advanced Monitoring and Management

Real-Time Monitoring

Our systems come equipped with advanced monitoring technology that allows businesses to track energy production and consumption in real-time.

Performance Analysis

We provide detailed reports and analytics to help businesses understand their energy usage patterns and identify areas for improvement.

Remote Management Capabilities

Our solutions include remote management features, enabling adjustments and optimizations to be made from anywhere.

Seamless Integration and Scalable Solutions

Integration with Existing Systems

Our solar solutions can be seamlessly integrated with your current energy systems, ensuring smooth operation and transition.


As your business grows, our solar solutions can be scaled to meet your increasing energy demands, providing flexibility and adaptability.

Electric Utility Paradigm in The Apache State

Overview of Arizona’s Electric Utilities 

Arizona’s electric utility industry is marked by its dynamic approach to solar energy, with several key players like Arizona Public Service (APS) and Tucson Electric Power (TEP) driving the state’s energy policies and offerings.

Arizona Public Service (APS) 

Arizona Public Service, one of the primary utility companies in Arizona, has transitioned from traditional net metering to a net billing structure. This means that instead of receiving full retail rate credit for excess solar generation, customers are credited at a rate reflective of the electricity’s perceived value to the grid, which is generally lower.

APS’s Rate Structure and Solar Support

  • APS’s solar export rates have been set by the Resource Comparison Proxy (RCP) since 2017, which has been decreasing annually.
  • As of 2023, the RCP rate for APS is 7.6 cents per kWh, which is approximately half the average utility rate in the Phoenix metro area, currently at 15.1 cents per kWh​​.
  • Despite the lower rates compared to traditional net metering, APS customers can lock in their RCP export rate for 10 years upon going solar, providing some price certainty and investment stability​​.
Arizona Public Service (APS) offers varied electricity rates for peak and non-peak hours, with higher rates during peak demand times and lower rates during off-peak periods, reflecting the fluctuating demand and supply of electricity throughout the day.

Electricity rates in peak hours and non-peak hours for APS

Tucson Electric Power (TEP) 

Tucson Electric Power is another significant utility in Arizona, which also follows the net billing model in lieu of net metering.

TEP’s Compensation and Policy

  • For 2023, TEP offers an excess generation credit rate of $0.08 per kWh, while the estimated retail rate is $0.15 per kWh​​.
  • TEP customers must also navigate the instantaneous netting system, where excess generation credits are calculated in short intervals, typically hourly, rather than monthly or yearly​​.
  • The excess generation credit rates are notably lower than the retail rates, ranging between 5% and 30% lower, depending on the utility.
  • This affects the savings potential for solar customers since the compensation for the excess solar energy they produce is credited at a lesser rate than what they would pay for consumption​​.

Recent Developments and Industry Stability

  • The net billing framework in Arizona is under scrutiny, with the ACC proposing changes to the RCP annual cap and lock-in period, which could further affect future solar investment returns.
  • There’s a sense of urgency for homeowners to install solar and lock in the current net billing structure, given that rates are predicted to reduce in the future​.

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Evaluating the Worth of Solar Energy in Arizona

Arizona’s Solar Capacity 

Arizona boasts a significant solar installation capacity of 6,731 MW, ranking 5th nationally. This capacity is sufficient to power over 1 million homes and represents 10.16% of the state’s electricity generation. The solar sector in Arizona has generated 8,337 jobs and involves 386 companies, indicating robust industry growth​​.

Market Trends and Savings 

The solar market in Arizona has experienced a 42% reduction in prices over the past decade, with projections indicating an additional 8,936 MW growth in the next five years. Despite challenges such as the imposition of net metering charges and elimination of incentives, the state continues to advance in solar development​​​​. Innovative financial models have helped customers adopt the solar panel solutions.

Arizona: A Diverse Economic and Natural Landscape

Arizona, known for its striking landscapes and diverse culture, has undergone significant economic transformation. Post-World War II, the state shifted from primarily focusing on mineral extraction, lumbering, cattle raising, and crop growing, to a more diversified economy encompassing manufacturing and service industries. Particularly notable is the Phoenix area’s vibrant high-technology sector, reflecting the country’s growing affluence and technological advancement​.

Arizona’s climate is as varied as its landscape. About half the state is semi-arid, a third is arid, and the rest is humid. The Basin and Range region, known for attracting winter visitors and new residents, enjoys an arid and semi-arid subtropical climate. Phoenix, for example, experiences over four-fifths of possible sunshine in January with a mean maximum temperature of 65°F (18°C). The state also experiences a “summer monsoon,” with moisture-laden air bringing thunderstorms during the summer months​​.

Arizona’s agriculture is bolstered by its fertile soil, ample irrigation water, and extended growing seasons. The state is a leading producer of cotton, alfalfa, and a variety of other crops. It also plays a vital role in citrus fruit cultivation and, more recently, has seen success in wine production. Livestock farming, including beef, dairy, and poultry, contributes significantly to the state’s agricultural output​.

The state capital and the largest city, Phoenix is the cultural, economic, and political heart of Arizona. It boasts a thriving cultural scene, numerous theaters, museums, and a vibrant nightlife. The second-largest city, Tucson offers a mix of cultures, reflected in its cuisine, museums, and historic neighborhoods. The city is known for its youthful ambiance, largely due to the University of Arizona, and is surrounded by natural attractions like Saguaro National Park. Other important cities include Scottsdale, known for its upmarket lifestyle and Flagstaff, a city with a mix of old architecture and beautiful natural surroundings​

Historically, Arizona has been a major player in the mining industry, particularly in copper production, which remains a significant contributor to the state economy. The Black Mesa area is crucial for coal production, which powers much of the southwestern United States. Additionally, Arizona produces notable quantities of zinc, silver, gold, petroleum, and uranium​

Despite urban and industrial expansion impacting its air quality, Arizona’s climate, scenery, and relaxed lifestyle continue to attract millions of tourists and retirees annually. The state hosts large retirement communities like Sun City and Green Valley, contributing to its status as a sought-after retirement destination​.

Canyon River, Arizona, is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, characterized by dramatic canyon landscapes and the serene flow of the river cutting through its heart.

Canyon River, Arizona

Request a Custom Solar Savings Estimate

Designed to provide you with a clear understanding of the financial and environmental benefits of switching to solar, our solar savings estimate service offers a personalized analysis tailored specifically to your business needs. Our team conducts an in-depth review of your current energy usage, incorporating site-specific factors like your location and roof size. You will receive a detailed report outlining potential cost reductions in your energy expenses, alongside an estimated timeline for return on investment.

Join the Solar Movement in Arizona 

At Com-Sol, we’re dedicated to more than just setting up solar panels; we’re committed to fostering a sustainable future for Arizona. Our team, equipped with in-depth knowledge and experience, is poised to support you at every stage of your solar transition. Reach out to us to discover how solar energy can transform your enterprise, significantly reduce your carbon footprint, and contribute to a more sustainable Arizona.

Other Information

Areas Serving & Zip Codes: Phoenix, Tucson, Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Scottsdale, Tempe, Surprise, Yuma, Goodyear, Buckeye, Avondale, Flagstaff, Queen Creek, Maricopa, Lake Havasu City, Casa Grande, Marana, Oro Valley, Prescott Valley

85142, 85225, 85364, 85326, 85032, 85301, 85204, 85281, 85383, 85308, 85041, 85033, 85008, 85345, 85706, 85338, 85705, 85122

Services Commercial Solar Installation

  • Proprietary Energy Savings Program Used by Fortune 500 Corps
  • Leverage the Federal ITC to Pay for Your Solar System
  • Solar for Manufacturing, Packaging
  • Immediate ROI
  • Battery Storage Options
  • Curious About Solar for You Business? Give us a call.
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Phone Number: (855) 801-0069

Address: 1307 Shermer Rd Suite 110,

Northbrook, IL 60062, United States

Opening Hours: Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm